August 2020 Social Media Post Challenge

July 29, 2020  •  3 Comments

Red and white graphic for an August 31 day post challenge. August Social media challenge


It is almost August, and you still haven't got a plan for your social media yet? 

I understand, being consistent on social media can be a real challenge, but it doesn't have to be.  This month participate in the Simple & Savvy Social Media Challenge (#S&SChallenge) and have an idea for what to post every day! 

August is the start of school for many, the last full month of summer, and once of the few months with no traditional holidays, so finding content to post can be even harder this month what with all the stuff you have going on and the limited inspiration.  The good news is that there are a lot of fun National holidays to play with and some business promotion and engagement ideas that will be great to work on this month.  

You will also notice that I have a generic theme by day of the week. The reason I choose a generic theme by day of the week is to have a jumping-off point in case I don't already have a specific idea in mind for that date. Doing this helps me share my brand touchstones and ensure I am posting content that my dream client will find valuable.  It may take you some time to determine what you want yours should be, here are my suggestions for August:

Monday: Motivational Quote- Think about your dream client, what do you think would help motivate them on a Monday?

Tuesday: Tip Tuesday - Industry related tips.  Your advice on subjects that pertain to what you do. Have fun with it.  

Wednesday: What we do Wednesday- share a product or service.  This could be a detailed post on why your product or service is beneficial, how to use it, who needs it, or even a demo.

Thursday: This is how we roll Thursday- Behind the scenes post

Friday: Fri-YAY! Client testimonials.  Share the love you receive with the rest of your followers; nothing works better than social proof to show others all the awesomeness you have to offer. You can do this easily with a pretty graphic, a simple screenshot, or even just repost it. It is a good idea to ask permission if they sent it to you privately.

Saturday: Saturday Selfie - post a selfie and share a little bit about you.  Personalizing what you do helps create connections and build trust!  #saturdayselfie

Sunday: Sell me something Sunday- post your current offer, promotion, or deal.

I love fun, weird, and offbeat "holidays," too, so you will see many listed.  I recommend choosing ones that give you a chance to express your personality or relate directly to your business; if it doesn't play to one of those two things, I will avoid it.  There are so many, and you can find them all over the internet.  I have found that the team at National Day Calendar does a fantastic job at sharing these, and you can sign up for regular reminders if you love them.

Download the August challenge and play along.  Here are the challenge details by day,  the first idea is from the challenge PDF download, but I have also included some additional suggestions in case you don't love the primary suggestion.  Be sure to hashtag your posts so I can see you and engage.  #s&schallenge 





August Challenge


Saturday Selfie

Other ideas:



National Friendship day - I love this one, celebrate a friend, or make a new one. This one is literally a Hallmark holiday; Hallmark founded it in 1919!  

Other ideas:

  • Sell me something Sunday! Don't forget a great picture.
  • There are only 51 days left until fall.
  • National Coloring Book Day




National Bargain Hunting Week starts today through 3rd to the 9th - a great day to share an amazing deal. 

Other ideas:

  • National Watermelon Day, this is a summer staple, so why not celebrate it?  Post a pic of watermelon and share your favorite way to enjoy it or Ask a Question: Do you eat watermelon with or without salt? Or Seedless or traditional watermelon?
  • Monday Motivational Quote
Tip Tuesday - share a piece of industry-related advice that your followers will find valuable. #tiptuesday 
Other ideas:
  • August is American Artists Appreciation Month
  • School starts back soon, and it is National back to school month so you can post a funny meme about going back to school, ask a question about how people are feeling about school starting, share a favorite subject, the possibilities are endless.
What we do Wednesday- share a product or service. 
Other ideas:
  • August is What Will Be Your Legacy Month
  • National Work Like a Dog Day
  • Root beer float day, this one brings back childhood memories for sure.
Post a video- your choice.  
Other ideas:
  • This is how we roll Thursday- behind the scenes picture or video.
  • Ask a question related to your industry: What are you doing to stand out?
Fri-YAY! Client Testimonials
Other Ideas:
  • Last day of "Simplify Your Life Week" Share an organization tip, show how you decluttered your life, or post a quote that signifies simplicity to you.
  • Celebrity Birthday: Charlize Theron
Saturday Selfie  #saturdayselfie #s&schallenge
Other ideas:
  • International Cat day- I smell of a cat video coming your way. 
  • Start a referral contest- give away a fun prize, product, or service in exchange for social media follows or tagging friends.  Bonus points for sharing.
Sunday, so #sellmesomethingsunday Post a promotion or sales item.
Other ideas:
  • National Book Lovers Day - What are you reading?
  • Update your profile picture and watch the love pour in.
Monday Motivational Quote
Other ideas:
  • National Lazy Day
  • Back to school promo
Tip Tuesday - share a piece of industry-related advice that your followers will find valuable. #tiptuesday 
Other ideas:
  • Share a photo of an employee or business partner.
  • Celebrity Birthday- Chris Hemsworth- Hello Thor!
  • National Raspberry Bombe Day celebrates this delicious frozen dessert.
American Adventures Month - It is the celebration of vacationing in the Americas. Since many are taking last-minute vacations, this may be a fun topic for a poll, picture, or tip post.
Other ideas:
  • What we do Wednesday- share a product or service.
  • National Vinyl Record Day
This is how we roll Thursday- behind the scenes picture or video.
Other ideas:
  • International Lefthanders Day

  • Share your favorite quote.

Fri-YAY! Client Testimonials
Other ideas:
  • National Finance Awareness day
  • Creamsicle Day
Saturday Selfie  #saturdayselfie- It's National Relaxation day- relaxing selfie sounds perfect to me. #s&schallenge
Other ideas:
  • Showcase your newest or favorite business tool.
  • Three steps to do XYZ

Sunday Sunset- August sunsets are the best. #sunset

Other ideas:
  • Sunday, so #sellmesomethingsunday Post a promotion or sales item.      
  • National tell a joke day.
National Chef's Appreciation Week: 16-22 Celebrate the chef in your life, share a family recipe, or find a funny chef meme.

Others ideas:
  • National Nonprofit day: Share some info about your favorite non-profit.
  • Monday Motivational Quote
Tip Tuesday - share a piece of industry-related advice that your followers will find valuable. #tiptuesday 

Other ideas:

  • Serendipity Day - Serendipity is the occurrence and development of any events by chance in a happy or useful way.  Serendipity is one of my favorite words.  I loved the movie too, just saying.  I almost used it in the name of my business, but it turns out I am not alone in my love for it.
  • Share a picture of you and your significant other it is - National Couples Day.


World Photo Day: share your favorite image- be sure to make the caption refer it back to your business.
Other ideas:
  • What we do Wednesday- share a product or service.
  • National potato day, do you love it as much as I do?  Share your favorite potato recipe. 
Re-share from another source an industry-related post.  Tag the source and add your own comments.
Other ideas:
  • This is how we roll Thursday- behind the scenes picture or video.
  • National Lemonade day!  Offer lemonade at the office, and be sure to snap a picture.
Fri-YAY! Client Testimonials
Other ideas:
  • National senior citizens day
  • TGIF Post
Share your WHY. People will relate to your business on a personal level if you are transparent about why you do what you do.
Other ideas:
  • Saturday Selfie  #saturdayselfie 
  • Be An Angel Day
Sunday, so #sellmesomethingsunday Post a promotion or sales item.
Other ideas:
  • Fill-in-the blank post.  examples: [YOUR BRAND] has changed the way I __________.   My favorite Sunday activity is ____________.  If I could go any where right now I would be headed to ______________.
  • Share a current project.

Monday Motivational Quote
Other ideas:
  • Monday meme that reflects how you are feeling today.
  • Tell a piece of your brand story.

Tip Tuesday - share a piece of industry-related advice that your followers will find valuable. #tiptuesday 
Other ideas:
  • Be Kind To Humankind Week starts: This is an annual celebration of kindness that is recognized globally from August 25th-31st every year since 1988. 
  • National Kiss and Make Up Day
What we do Wednesday- share a product or service.
Other ideas:
  • Share a trending topic that you love and why.
  • National dog day
This is how we roll Thursday- behind the scenes picture or video.
Other ideas:
  • Share your most recent blog or one of a well-respect industry expert.
  • National Just Because Day
Fri-YAY! Client Testimonials
Other ideas:
  • Holiday promo post, it may seem early, but Hobby Lobby had Christmas decorations out last month, so really, you are a little late already. Don't believe me check out this count down Christmas Countdown.
  • Ask your fans a question about your next business decision.

Saturday Selfie  #saturdayselfie #s&schallenge
Other ideas:
  • Funny post related to what you do
  • List your favorite products or services gift ideas.  Yours or highlight others who you support.  You never know they may return the favor.
Sunday, so #sellmesomethingsunday Post a promotion or sales item.
Other ideas:
  • National Toasted Marshmallow Day
  • Show your workspace
International Bacon Day- Share a favorite bacon meme.
Other ideas:
  • Monday Motivational Quote
  • Labor day is one week away- How are you celebrating?  Summer is ending, take a poll- need it to last longer or bring on fall?


Get out there and be seen!  I hope that this makes it easier for you.  Don't forget to hashtag your post with #s&schallenge so I can see your post.   


Join my community and never miss out on a monthly challenge, CLICK HERE to get on my email list now.


If what you want is a more authentic and personalized calendar for your social media I am happy to help, check out my social media engagement services for more information.  




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