December Social Media Posting With a Purpose Caboodle!

November 19, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

December 2020 Social Media Posting With Purpose - tips and tricks for small businesses December 2020 Social Media Posting With Purpose - tips and tricks for small businesses

Social Media Caboodle, December 2020 edition
60+ ideas for your social media posts


If you are new to my monthly posting caboodle I hope you find it to be very useful.  In this blog post, you will find daily post ideas, suggestions, and even some social media marketing tips to help you increase your engagement, improve your consistency and reduce the stress caused by your DIY social media marketing strategy.   I want to jump right into the content this month but if you want to understand more of how this works or why I suggest what I do just keep reading because below the social media tips section I am going to give some strategy information behind this structure. 

Where there is a plan there is a way- inspirational graphic black, pink, and aqua, writing on a white backgroundWhere there is a plan there is away.


WOW, this year has been crazy so it is hard to believe that it is almost over.  I think it is safe to say many of us small business owners are overwhelmed and stressed out.  So much of what we do have been changed, put on hold, or completely canceled.  For many of my peers, it has been a rough ride so it is not surprising to see that many do-it-yourself marketers have been stuck.  So much has been put on hold that it can be difficult to know what to do.  Social media is not one of those things that should take a back burner though. Consistency really is key to building an audience that will feel like they know you.   

No need to worry though, with a plan there is a way, I always say.  This month’s posting caboodle is full of fun ideas.  With two post suggestions for every day of the month, a few Canva template links, and a downloadable calendar you already have a pretty easy plan to follow but please tweak it to meet your goals.


December’s Social Media Posting With a Purpose Caboodle. 

December 2020 Social media posting suggestions and ideas calendar by "More Than Serendipity Social Media " DBA Samantha Markey Photography photoDecember 2020 Social media posting suggestions and ideas calendar by "More Than Serendipity Social Media " DBA Samantha Markey PhotographySee below to download the PDF version of this.

Click Here to download this calendar!

Now to the nitty-gritty! Here is the day by day suggestions that I promised for December.

Day of the month

Day of the


Post Suggestion



Giving Tuesday.

#GivingTuesday You can start or end a blanket drive on this day (food, coat toys whatever supports something you care about) Do a Facebook charity ask. Not in a position to give? You could highlight a cause you believe is worthy too with a post share. There is no shortage of charities to support pick one, or many and promote their cause.

Daily Theme: Tip Tuesday!



Gift Guide

It is December and gift shopping is in full swing. With Shop Small Saturday just this past Saturday now is a great time to encourage others to support small businesses, like yours. I have seen a lot of posts lately encouraging people to share what they selling the comments for others to see. It makes me think that a gift guide to share with your friends might be awesome. Highlight others in your network. Bonus if you tag them in your post, they may share it which will help you and everyone you include. Post Ideas: My first thought is an ebook (pdf), something people could download and use when doing their holiday shopping. Another idea is to take one of those posts you have done letting people tag their business and us those comments to create a slideshow, screenshot, or just reshare the whole post.

Daily Theme: What we do Wednesday



Christmas Shopping Countdown: 21 days left.

What are you wishing for this year?

Daily Theme: Throwback Thursday-

Back Behind the scenes



National Sock Day.

I have a confession to make. I picked this one because it reminds me of Dobby. If you do not know who that is I am sad for you. HAHA In reality this national holiday is about celebrating lasting sock pairs. One of the smallest ones yet!

Post ideas: Have fun with it and share your matching (or unmatching socks) Have your team wear fun socks and do a team sock photo. Create a poll: What sock is your favorite? Start a sock drive to donate to a local homeless center.

Daily Theme: Fri-YAY!



Must Haves List!

Imagine that you are shopping for someone you love and what they enjoy most is not really your thing. I bet you are going to google it to see what kind of gifts that person might enjoy.

For example, my daughter loves anime and drawing, so I google that to see what I can find. Maybe you are an artist and now instead of buying another book about how to draw, blah blah blah that I know will end up covered in dust and forgotten by February, I find your shop and in it, the perfect gift for her.

Daily Theme: Saturday Selfie



Ask for advice.

Yes, we want to look like we have it all together but we don't. How better to connect with your audience than sharing a struggle and asking for an opinion.

Post Idea: This could be as simple as what paint color to choose for your office remodel.

Daily Theme: Show me-Sell me- Sunday



National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

Daily Theme: Motivational Monday

Use this Canva Template to create your own.



National Bartender day.

Post Idea: Try mixing a new drink at home. There are tons of recipes online to try. Fail or succeed this has an opportunity to get people talking.

With so many bars and restaurants struggling right now today might be a good day to do a should out to your favorite watering hole. 

Daily Theme: Tip Tuesday!



Video Post.

Could be anything; a look at your workspace, what you are looking forward to most as the year comes to an end, a how-to video, just get one out there.

Daily Theme: What we do Wednesday



Hanukkah begins tonight.
Daily Theme: Throwback Thursday- Back Behind the scenes




Come on these are fun. You could find or make one related to what you do or even just reshare one that made you chuckle.  

Some of my favorites are simple, like those: I don't know who needs to hear this but.... take those Thanksgiving leftovers out of the fridge.

Another good one- You do not need anything from Target right now.

Daily Theme: Fri-YAY!



12 Days until Christmas eve.

Post Ideas: Take inspiration from the 12 days of Christmas and start a 12-day series. 12 Days of ... For example, breweries could share 12 days of our 2020 brews. Nail salons 12 nail designs for the holidays. Financial advisors 12 days of tips to plan for financial success in 2021.

Daily Theme: Saturday Selfie



Fill In the Blank Post.

Use this Canva Template to create your own.

Daily Theme: Show me-Sell me- Sunday



Share a personal win.

Put pants on even though all you had today was a zoom meeting?

That counts.

Daily Theme: Motivational Monday



Ask for reviews.

Reviews aren't selfish; they empower your customers to help other consumers make smart and confident decisions.  You only get what you ask for. Reviews are powerful so ask for them.   Be sure to include a link to where you want them to leave the review, if they have to work for it they will not do it.

 Post Ideas: A fun GIF with a request for reviews is effective.

Daily Theme: Tip Tuesday!



Way Back Wednesday- share something from Year's ago.

I use the Timehop app for this but Facebook has them in memories and there are other apps as well.

Daily Theme: What we do Wednesday



'Caption This!'

Share a team photos, a personal fail, or a picture of your pet. These types of posts are a lot of fun.

Daily Theme: Throwback Thursday- Back Behind the scenes



National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day    #UglyChristmasSweaterDay   #ChristmasSweaterDay
Post Ideas: Do a contest with a referral partner and have your audience vote on the best ugly sweater. We love to vote on silly stuff.

Use this Canva Template to create your own.

Daily Theme: Fri-YAY!



Holiday Video Card.

Jibjab & Bluemountain are the two I use.

Daily Theme: Saturday Selfie



Team introduction. Share a post about one of your team members. This could also be a referral partner or networking buddy.
Daily Theme: Show me-Sell me- Sunday



First Day of Winter

Post Idea: Question: Winter or summer? (you may want to include pictures or you or your product in that season or a stock image) "mine is in the comments"

OR Share your favorite winter memory, post a list of local winter activities. 

Daily Theme: Motivational Monday



National Cookie Exchange day.

Post Ideas: Do a cookie recipe exchange post. OR  Share your favorite and least favorite cookie and ask people to guess which is which.

Daily Theme: Tip Tuesday!



Share a piece of Industry News.
Daily Theme: What we do Wednesday



Christmas Eve.

Post ideas: Share your favorite holiday tradition. Christmas Movie poll. Share the Santa tracker for families. ( Official Norad link:

Daily Theme: Throwback Thursday- Back Behind the scenes



Merry Christmas
Daily Theme: Fri-YAY!



National Thank you note Day.
Daily Theme: Saturday Selfie



New Year's Resolutions.

Christmas is behind us and now is the time to make those resolutions. Post Ideas: Share how you can help with one of the most popular resolutions (maybe start a 2021 resolution accountability group on that subject), list the top 10 resolutions, Ask for resolution ideas.

Daily Theme: Show me-Sell me- Sunday



Last Monday of the year!

Daily Theme: Motivational Monday



National Hero Day!

Today we celebrate and honor the people we look up to and who inspire us to be the best person we can possibly be. Take it seriously or go superhero either way this could be a fun engagement opportunity.

Post ideas: Share a picture of who inspires you to do what you do and why.

Ask others who is their hero.

Create a meme, " What type of superhero I thought I would be.... (insert wonder women) What type of hero I am..... (you doing what you do)

Share a story of why you do what you do in the post or in the comments.

Daily Theme: Tip Tuesday!



Day 365 of the year (2020 was a leap year) Share the best of the year.

Post Ideas: Share the best client testimonials, your top 5 moments of the year, or do a slideshow of the year.

Daily Theme: What We Do Wednesday



New Year's Eve!

Post Ideas Good-Bye 2020. Hello, 2021 Share a fun resolution joke.

Daily Theme: Throwback Thursday- Back Behind the scenes


This download includes the calendar shown above and a blank December 2020 calendar so you can design your own plan. 


If you are interested in a custom calendar or want help with other social media services please check out my social media services page for more information.  You deserve to be seen and I can help.  



December's Social Media Tip


December 2020 social media tip of the month photoDecember 2020 social media tip of the month Be a part of the conversation. I do not necessarily mean start a conversation, although that is always an option.  What I mean is be sure to place yourself in places where you can contribute to a conversation.  Join Facebook groups, comment on stories, and answer questions when appropriate.  No matter how much we want to believe it people do not get on social media to interact with companies.  They get on social to be social so if you want people to interact with you and your brand then it stands to reason that you must find ways to be a part of their conversations.  Simply liking someone's post will not do it.  So I recommend that you make an effort every day to interact with people you believe to be your dream clients on the social media platforms you believe they are.  Comment on posts, ask questions, share suggestions on something they are interested in,  whatever you do get involved.  Don't be the shy girl at the party hoping someone will notice you (or won't)  You are the voice of your business, if you won't do it, who will?  I will tell you who, your competitors will.



My goal is to help you use this month's caboodle content to build or enhance your marketing plan.

What I offer each month is a day by day posting guide that should give you a starting point for your own social media plan.  This is pretty generic so as to help you no matter what industry you work in and can and should be adapted to fit you.  Each day has a theme but please feel free to move it around in any way you would like.  Maybe sales post on Sundays doesn’t work for your audience. Try a different day and see how they do.  Also if you don’t want to post every day, don’t, but I highly recommend a consistent schedule.  If not every day maybe always post on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  You will also notice that I enjoy those silly national holidays, I know some are a little off the wall but they can be a great conversation starter.   If you want to know more about how I use them in my marketing plan check out this blog post.

Earlier I mentioned the daily themes and I want to make sure that I don't assume they are obvious in the way they are written in the daily plan.

Monday: Motivational Quote. Quotes do so well on social media so they are a great way to boost your post engagements and attract new followers.  Think about your dream client, what do you think would help motivate them on a Monday?  Do a simple google search and you will find so many to choose from. #quoteoftheday #motivation #letsdothis


Tuesday: Tantalizing Tuesday Tips
– Share a tip your dream clients will appreciate. Tips about your business, industry-related tips, or even tips about topics that are more personal focused (if your dream client will respond to that). You can do these as videos, infographics, or just a nice long how to post. Have fun with it. #tiptuesday #tips #tantilizingtips These posts are how you can make yourself useful to your audience which makes them want to follow you. Share a how-to. Consider what FAQ can you answer. Think about when someone comes to you what problems are you solving, how can they DIY it. Don't worry they probably won't do it and now you look like an authority.


Wednesday: What we do Wednesday.  This is not a sales pitch but more of a show and tell, share a product or service.  This could be a detailed post on why your product or service is beneficial, how to use it, who needs it, or even a demo.  Try creating a slide show video on Canva.  #whatwedowednesday #checkthisout


aqua, red and black graphic for the behind the scenes post ideas Thursday: Throw Back Thursday- Back Behind the scenes I mean.  Don’t overthink this one, if you have got nothing going on worth sharing, share something anyway.  Coffee break, I see a selfie opportunity.  Writing a report, desk shot.  Wishing you had a better idea for lunch then tuna again?  Create a post and ask for ideas for tomorrow. #BTS #behindthescences #showme


Friday: Fri-YAY!  Come on Brag a little. A humblebrag is not a bad thing, I don’t care what grandma told you. Share some love this could be in the form of client testimonials, selfies with clients or even sharing a big accomplishment you are particularly proud of. Share the love you receive with the rest of your followers; nothing works better than social proof to show others all the awesomeness you have to offer. You can do this easily with a pretty graphic, a simple screenshot, or even just repost a client’s post about you. #fri-Yay #sharethelove #thanks

red, yellow and black graphic for "Saturdays are for selfies"
Saturday: Post a selfie and share a little bit about you. You could also choose to share a picture of your family, dog or favorite taco just make the post personal. Personalizing what you do helps create connections and build trust! #saturdayselfie


Sunday: Show Me - Sell me - Sunday.  Share your current offer, promotion, or deal. #mysmallbusiness #saletime. You can do this more often but I recommend being aware that sales posts should not be more than 20% of your content. If you are posting once a day- one maybe two posts a week should be sales.




I would love to hear what posts have been the most successful for you?  Leave a comment below.



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