What is the Monthly Posting with Purpose Caboodle

December 23, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

What is the posting with a purpose social media caboodle graphic image What is the posting with a purpose social media caboodle graphic? What is the Monthly Posting with a Purpose Caboodle?

Hi there!  I am so glad you are here.  Maybe you ran across this post by mistake or maybe you found the latest posting caboodle but you wanted more info, either way here you are!  I just want to take a brief moment to explain this monthly blog post that I create for you to help answer frequent questions that I get.  If you still have more leave a comment below and I will get back to you soon! 

Every month I do a blog post called the Social Media Posting Caboodle.  My goal is to help you have a basic and simple plan to follow or to jumpstart your marketing plan each month.  It doesn't change much but what it does is offer you:

  • At least one post idea for every day of the month
  • Tips to get better engagement
  • Content ideas that go deeper than post a behind the scenes video
  • A printable calendar for the month 

One of the reoccurring things each month is the daily themes.

These daily social media themes are pretty generic but my hope is that you find them a good place to start.  You may want to do a little research and come up with some that better fit your audience but no matter what industry you work in and can and should be able to start with these and see how your audience responds then adapted to fit them best. 


You may also want to use the themes but change up the days you use them.  Sure why not? Maybe you want to do a sales post, otherwise why even have a business page right?  However, you find that sales post on Sundays doesn’t work for your audience. Try a different day and see how they do.  Also if you don’t want to post every day, don’t, but I highly recommend a consistent schedule.  If not every day maybe always post on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 


You will also notice that I enjoy those silly national holidays, I know some are a little off the wall but they can be a great conversation starter.   If you want to know more about how I use them in my marketing plan check out this blog post.

So what are the Daily Themes? Here is how I suggest using them.

Monday: Motivational Quote. Quotes do so well on social media so they are a great way to boost your post engagements and attract new followers.  Think about your dream client, what do you think would help motivate them on a Monday?  Do a simple google search and you will find so many to choose from. #quoteoftheday #motivation #letsdothis


Tuesday: Tantalizing Tuesday Tips
– Share a tip your dream clients will appreciate. Tips about your business, industry-related tips, or even tips about topics that are more personal focused (if your dream client will respond to that). You can do these as videos, infographics, or just a nice long how to post. Have fun with it. #tiptuesday #tips #tantilizingtips These posts are how you can make yourself useful to your audience which makes them want to follow you. Share a how-to. Consider what FAQ can you answer. Think about when someone comes to you what problems are you solving, how can they DIY it. Don't worry they probably won't do it and now you look like an authority.


Wednesday: What we do Wednesday.  This is not a sales pitch but more of a show and tell, share a product or service.  This could be a detailed post on why your product or service is beneficial, how to use it, who needs it, or even a demo.  Try creating a slide show video on Canva.  #whatwedowednesday #checkthisout


aqua, red and black graphic for the behind the scenes post ideas Thursday: Throw Back Thursday- Back Behind the scenes I mean.  Don’t overthink this one, if you have got nothing going on worth sharing, share something anyway.  Coffee break, I see a selfie opportunity.  Writing a report, desk shot.  Wishing you had a better idea for lunch then tuna again?  Create a post and ask for ideas for tomorrow. #BTS #behindthescences #showme


Friday: Fri-YAY!  Come on Brag a little. A humblebrag is not a bad thing, I don’t care what grandma told you. Share some love this could be in the form of client testimonials, selfies with clients or even sharing a big accomplishment you are particularly proud of. Share the love you receive with the rest of your followers; nothing works better than social proof to show others all the awesomeness you have to offer. You can do this easily with a pretty graphic, a simple screenshot, or even just repost a client’s post about you. #fri-Yay #sharethelove #thanks

red, yellow and black graphic for "Saturdays are for selfies"
Saturday: Post a selfie and share a little bit about yourself. You could also choose to share a picture of your family, dog, or favorite taco just to make the post more personal. Personalizing what you do helps create connections and build trust! #saturdayselfie



Sunday: Show Me - Sell me - Sunday.  Share your current offer, promotion, or deal. #mysmallbusiness #saletime. You can do this more often but I recommend being aware that sales posts should not be more than 20% of your content. If you are posting once a day- one maybe two posts a week should be sales.


Did I answer all your questions?  If not let me know, I am here to help.



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